Sandra Greer
Research, Insights & Strategy Consultant


I work with brands, rights holders and agencies as an independent resource on a project basis.


Research & Insights

Working with you as an independent and trusted partner and advisor across the full research process:


Strategy & Consultancy


Education & Training

Research & Insights Training for the Sponsorship Industry:

  1. Level 1 – Introduction & Overview – Approaches, Deliverables and Outcomes – 3 hour training course (in person or remotely)
  2. Level 2 – Deep Dive into Evaluation and Valuation – In-Depth Series of 4 Modules – a) Exposure b) Market Research c) Holistic Data Analysis d) Valuing & Pricing Properties – Four * 3 hour sessions or 2 days (in person)
  3. Level 3 – Bespoke Training with Live Briefing & Analysis– In House Workshops to Build Out – a) Briefings for clients, rights holders & agencies b) Analysis of data for presentations with insights – Time dependent on scope